Charity, crafts, gardening, family, food, fun and stuff

loss of a friend

We are all saddened by the sudden loss of our church friend John Broomfleet.  Today we attended the memorial services for John.  Friends, family and neighbors joined together to pay their respects to a great man.  I sure will miss this humble, sweet, big man.

Just FYI, anyone is a welcome vistor at Logs To Lumber TN web site.

Just joined the Kentucky Jeep Club, and looking forward to our first trail ride.  Maybe the 4th of July weekend we (hubby and I) can get away for some time together as a couple.  vistors are welcome to this site if you are a Jeep lover.

Well here it is my last week at the BP aka Little General convenience store.  I have made so many new friends, and I will miss you.  Even though my time has been brief  with u-all I will truly miss you.  I will miss all your smiling faces, the colorful prose, the playful banter, and most of all I will miss “you”  my new friends.   Okay enough with the melodrama, I live in Paris and I’m sure I will see you again.  In the mean time, if I don’t see you until next year, I want to take this moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

career and possible job

All those years of school are paying off.   This past week I went for an interview, I feel it went well, plus they did call back.  The job proposal was sent to my email, I then responded back, leaving a message that I was interested in the job.  Followed up with an email, that I was looking forward to beginning in my new career.  Now to wait again.  I am hoping to begin work before the holidays, but that will be up to my new employer.  In some ways I feel a bit premature when I refer to her as my new employer, because we have yet to discuss the proposal, I haven’t signed a contract, nor do I have a start date.  Optimistic is my middle name LOL, and I will do my best to wait patiently <tee hee> besides, I got so excited that I have already put in my notice at the BP.   Change the subject just a bit, I received a very nice complement from one of my co-workers; she hugged me the minute I walked through the door, stated she was excited for me, but that she will miss me.  Followed up by her statement that she would feel safe and comfortable if I was the one who was caring for her critically ill father.   This illness (father has cancer) her family is dealing with reminds me of when dad died, and I feel such a bond between the two of us.

Please take a look-sie at Bev’s country cottage.  My friend Bev has many free patterns for both knit and crochet items.  In addition, she has links to many other sites, along with her group of friend’s free crochet and knit patterns.  On Be’s site, you can find gift items for any member of you family including the 4 legged family members.


Well cooler weather is upon us, and I’m thinking about the holidays.  Halloween decorations did not get put up this year, so busy with so many projects and problems.  Thanksgiving; looking forward to all the kids being home this year and a nice meal together.  Christmas; working on some gifts and I will post some free patterns for those of you who are looking for some gift ideas.

Slippers made from scraps of yarn, and if you have a daughter like mine, the more colors and the more different the 2 individual slipper(s) are; the better.  My daughter wears mismatched socks, LOL

Scrap Yarn Crochet Slippers

Say thanks to our military

click this site to say thanks to the troops

<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Let’s Say Thanks”></a>

Let's Say Thanks

Three color ferret toy

I have added to the crochet section a free crochet pattern for a pet toy.  I make these for my ferrets, but you might like to make one for your dog or kitty. 

Enjoy the 3 color ferret toy

Michelle Thomas

Living with emphysema

see this article on emphysema and please quit smoking

My father had emphysema and had smoked from the time he was a teen.   His suffering has prompted the posting of the article.
